Pool Lifecycle

The Pool is synonymous with Token Loan Pool, maintained by a core component named PoolGuardian. Here is what each stage of the pool can get you some in-depth descriptions about curation and dynamics of the states. If you have questions for proposals and voting, try checking Proposal Lifecycle, this can help understanding feel a little bit more approachable for newcomers.



During this 2-day voting term, the rulers from two sides will vote rigorously and defend themselves natively being boosted by the sophisticated voting reward formula.

Once a proposal has achieved the conjunct approval, a fresh pool with the corresponding data structure for pool creation is about to be visible to all users. A profitable property simultaneously is granted to the one who brings this proposal out, Pool Owner.


In its first act as a pool, the yield meters remain not initialized until the providers deposit the tokens into the vacant pool. Pool meters have truly proven to be the right body to tradeoff between providers and traders. The too formal token will not interest the trader and maximize the liquidity usage, in addition, low leverage.

Given the assurance of basic liquidity, it’s the point for people delving into the picking strategy with the blazingly fast now. Traders have until the end time set before to open and close positions, after which all states of open positions will be shifted to Closing.


To be precise, it’s an extra tag attached to the Running stage instead of being a separate stage. All interfaces and functions will not be impacted whether a pool is tagged Delisted, it will keep on running like a normal pool without displaying in the aggregated list on the Pools page, nonetheless.


Importantly, the total time of opening up is capped at 1000 days. Shorter’s breakthrough is that it has developed the ability and possibility of self-running debt handling.

Generally, it will be possible to port all existing trading patterns without major amends, and the traders can re-use existing risk exposure management strategies and systems.

Fully benefit from Shorter’s trading engine, all positions are marked as closing and aligned here for calculation and liquidation procedures rapidly. This 1-hour stage along with the collaboration of rulers.

Take a look at Debt Auction for more details.


Last but not the least, the pool enters End stage indicating it’s inactive for the moment. The pool is subsequently opening up for the providers to take their asset(sometimes combined with Legacy) back.